Beer Sheva Oil Paintings

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If you enlarge the images you will see the famous Andarta (monument) in two of them.

Purim in the Negev
פורים בנגב

See the fields of anemones in ‘Purim in the Negev’. These bright red flowers are out at the time of the festival.

To enlarge my Beer Sheva oil painting images and get more details, please click on them.

Leaving Jerusalem

Firstly, at the end of 2012, I left the holy city of Jerusalem with it’s rich Jewish life and moved to Beer Sheva.

Beer Sheva Life

Because my room in Nachlaot was tiny, there was no space to paint. I was itching to work in oil on large canvases, so I found an apartment in Beer Sheva with a room to use as a studio.

However, this big change caused a major concern: Would there be Torah in the Negev?

So, I set out to find out and soon discovered that there were about 200 synagogues in the city. Just a stone’s throw from my apartment. I found one of them with an active community. I was immediately made welcome and have continued to attend services there ever since.

Because I discovered Torah life, my first Beer Sheva oil painting was ‘Torah in the Negev’.

Next I painted ‘Purim in the Negev’.

Then I painted three canvases including the small houses and the foliage in the street where I live in the summer time. The most recent subject of my my oil paintings is the Old city of Beer Sheva.

“To be an artist is to believe in life.”