Bitya, Pharoahs Daughter בתיה, בת פרעה Digital artwork. Prints available
Overheard at the Foot of Mount Sinai שמעו למרגלות הר סיני
The Fortieth Day היום הארבעים Digital artwork. Prints available
Penina פנינה Digital artwork. Prints available
The Tale of Two Wives סיפור של שתי נשים Digital artwork. Prints available
Who are you? ?מי את Digital artwork. Prints available
Ninth of Av in Jeremiah's Jerusalem התשיעי של אב בירושלים של ירמיהו Digital artwork. Prints available
Eliezer אליעזר Digital artwork. Prints available
Jacob at the Well יעקב ליד הבאר Digital artwork. Prints available
Joseph שתיקת יוסף Digital artwork. Prints available
David after killing Goliath דוד ויונתן
David and Jonathan האחים הנשמה
Jonathan's Arms Bearer נושא נשק של יונתן Digital artwork. Prints available
Eve and Adam חוה ואדם Digital artwork. Prints available
Story Teller סיפור המספר Digital artwork. Prints available
Oved Son of Boaz and Ruth עובד בן בועז ורות Digital artwork. Prints available
‘Leaving The Garden’, a book of poems by Ruth Fogelman, illustrated by Chana Helen Rosenberg
Leaving The Garden עוזב את הגן
Photo: Left: Chana Helen.
Right: Ruth Fogelman.
In 2018 Ruth Fogelman, a poet living in Jerusalem, discovered my art work through a mutual friend of ours, also a poet. She asked me if I would be willing to illustrate a book of her poems.
I agreed, and the book, ‘Leaving The Garden’, was published in 2019. The emphasis in the collection of poems is on the woman’s voice; Ruth puts herself in the place of the Biblical characters that she writes about. Whilst reading the poems I also found myself empathising with the women, and this helped me to illustrate them
The Old Country הארץ הישנה Digital artwork. Prints available
Just רַק Digital artwork. Prints available
The Festive Circle Dance ריקוד המעגל החגיגי Digital artwork. Prints available
The Caged Bird ציפור הכלוב Digital artwork. Prints available
The Light האור Digital artwork. Prints available
The Shofar The Shofar השופר Digital artwork. Prints available
For all these I am grateful על כל אלה אני אסיר תודה Digital artwork. Prints available
What if a bird? ?מה אם ציפור Digital artwork. Prints available
Circle Dance ריקוד מעגל Digital artwork. Prints available
A Frame מסגרת
‘What Color Are Your Dreams?’, a book of poems by Ruth Fogelman, illustrated by Chana Helen.
What color are your dreams? איזה צבע החלומות שלך
Photo: Left: Chana Helen.
Right: Ruth Fogelman.
The following year I illustrated Ruth’s next poetry book, ‘What Color Are Your Dreams?’
I chose to draw digitally for all the illustrations. I used my large ipad and apple pencil, drawing with sharp, clean, expressive, lines.
Many of these illustrations from both books were exhibited, enlarged, in my Solo Exhibition in February/March 2020 at Hechal Shlomo Museum of Jewish art in Jerusalem.